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MX-5, Creative Solution for Productivity Improvement


Machine Xpress-5
The best way for Productivity Improvement
Challenge to Improve Productivity
Perfect Solution MX-5
Principle of MX-5
It produces microbubbles and creates entwinement by turbulence to maximize the cooling effect of the workpiece material and tools and significantly improve the lubrication characteristics by inducing VFCC (Ventri, Flip-Flop, Cavitation, Coanda) effect.

An example of flow distribution

Product core part


VFCC Principle MX-5


  • Venturi

  • Flip-Flop

  • Cavitationt

  • Coanda

Effect of MicroBubble
As the microbubble bursts, it absorbs the latent heat of the tool and the workpiece material and evaporates it to maximize the cooling effect. In addition, the Micro Jet that occurs during a rupture can increase the cutting speed by 30% to 500%, by forming an impact wave to minimize the tool's build-up edge.
Fluid Acquisition
& Bubble generation
Microcosm of bubbles
Microcosm of bubbles
Generate Microbubble

Coanda Effect
The coanda effect is induced by strong turbulence formed when passing MX-5, and the lubrication effect is maximized by moving the cutting oil along the surface of the workpiece and the tool to improve the tool life more than 30%.